Born To Be Authentic
The answer to our global crisis is embracing who we truly are, committing to our passions and sharing with others. Your talents and skills are unique to you and the innate feeling to make this world a better place resonates within all of us. I am here to inspire you to stand in your power with confidence, to be authentic and change your life. The individual change you make will ripple out into your community, and thus, the world. Join me as I welcome people who are living their authentic lives, sharing their experiences, wisdom and healing. Let us beat scarcity with generosity. Conquer fear with love. And where we see divide, bring unity.
Born To Be Authentic
The Dancing Doula Tianna Tettemer
Charity Parisian
How many synchronicities need to line up for our dream career to truly emerge? Many! Tianna's organic approach to trust the process weaves an interesting journey through her careers in mental health and medical terminology, her passions for acrobatics, reiki, and life coaching until making her full circle calling of Doula Care!
Her story of finding herself through dance will both inspire and uplift you! Looking for a doula? I highly recommend this treasured soul!
"At the end of the day, letting someone be who they are and encouraging them is one of the biggest gifts we can give." Tianna Tettemer